At Driven Tutors, we are looking for confident and energetic tutors with a passion for helping young pupil to fulfill their potential. With a long-term objective of expanding Driven Tutors, we aim to build a sustainable model for our next-generation tutees. Hence, you’ll need to think outside the box; as well as having a sharp, analytical mind, we are looking for tutors who can use their conceptual and logical mindset to drive Driven Tutors forward. For our part, we’ll help you learn and develop these talents every step of the way to becoming an elite tutor and backbone of Driven Tutors.
Tutor Application Form
Driven Tutors has a rigorous selection procedure. We only select tutors with excellent track records and experience to join our team. For this reason, we take time reviewing each application that we receive. As we receive a high volume of strong application each week, please be patient for a response. Besides the essential background checks (Enhanced DBS, verifying qualification and collecting references), a couple of requirements must be met for you to be considered:
Have attended or are attending a leading UK university including Oxbridge, G5, Ivy-League and Russel Group institution
Have achieved an A* in A-Level for the subject they wish to teach
Teaching experience – either in the classroom or a tutor
A passion for Education
Willingness to provide offline and online tuition
Below you will find our application form to join Driven Tutors. If we want to proceed with your application, we shall give you a call in the first instance to ask you some further questions about your experiences, commitment and subject specialism.